Tuesday, April 19, 2011

An Injection To Help With Heart Attacks and Strokes

Heart attacks and strokes are caused by blood flow being blocked by a clot or a bleed, starving parts of the body further down the stream of oxygen. Although this damages the body, the most permanent damage is caused later. When circulation is eventually restored and a "default of nature" (which means the body's own defenses attack the oxygen starved cells) occurs is when the most permanent damage happens. This effect, which kicks in around nine to twelve hours after an attack or stroke, causes inflammation and more than 80% of the permanent damage. This often leads to death and massive reduction in the quality of life of stroke and heart attack survivors. Due to this damage to the body, British-based scientists have created an antibody that reduces the physical scarring of the brain and heart after an attack by more than 60%.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8459488/New-heart-attack-jab-even-more-effective-than-statins.html

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