Monday, April 18, 2011

Teen Stabs Himselft To Death On Stage

Troubled 19-year-old Kipp Rusty Walker, stabbed himself to death on stage at Open Mic Night. This occurred at the Strictly Organic Coffee Company in front of around 15 people, after playing a song Sorry For All the Mess. The audience clapped and cheered mistaking Kipp's suicide as a piece of performance art, as Kipp repeatedly plunged a six-inch blade into his chest. When he collapsed into a pool of his own blood, the audience finally realized that it wasn't faked. They started screaming in horror and rushed to help him. He was taken to the hospital, but he died shortly after because his wounds were too severe. Kipp's bizarre suicide has left the community of Bend in Oregon stunned and wondering why he would end his life in such a public way. One of Kipp's friends claimed that he had been planning on killing himself in a public place for some time. Some are sympathetic and saddened by Kipp's death, while others feel sympathetic towards the audience instead, for being subjected to watching someone stab themselves to death in public.

1 comment:

  1. Oh jeez, this is mad. And it happened in Oregon!
    How could someone have that much will to die
    in such a terrible way? Then they have to
    know how it would affect the people that saw
    it! I would be seriously messed up after I clapped mistakenly for someone killing themselves.
    :( Sad story.
