Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Toby Goes Home, an 8 year old yellow Labrador retriever went missing in 2010. His family had moved to New York because one of the owners had been stationed there. Mark Coleman had left Toby in Dallas with his mother. A few months after that, Toby disappeared and never went back. Mark's mother eventually decided to move to New York as well. "I thought he was long gone," Coleman said. "We thought the worst. We thought he had died, gotten hit by a car. We didn't know what was going on." Toby was found sitting on a woman's porch, and he wouldn't leave. The woman's family had fallen in love with Toby, but she wanted to make sure that someone wasn't looking for him. She took him into the Dallas Animal Clinic January 12 to have him scanned for a microchip. The vet technician scanned and found a chip. They called and found out that he had been missing for a year and a half. The Dallas Animal Clinic helped fly Toby home, where he reunited with his family.

This is such a great story! It's amazing that nothing bad happened to Toby! I'm glad he got to go home to his family.


  1. Aww this is adorable. I'm so glad they finally found him.

  2. I think that this is a nice article... I'm glad the owners got their dog back!

  3. Its nice to see that dog go through so much and be able to be returned to his owners

  4. Thats a great story Ive heard lost of similar stories, microchips are great!
